There are lots of ways you can get involved in shaping the services you, your families, friend and neighbours might use.
A list of current engagement programmes is below:
Local 'Keys to Life' Plan Consultation
In 2013, the Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) developed the ‘Keys to Life’ strategy in order to tackle health inequalities faced by people with learning disabilities as well as other standards of living.
Now, a consultation has been launched in Perth and Kinross in order to hear from people living with learning disabilities to share their opinions, views, experiences and thoughts on living here.
The survey can be filled in online.
The consultation will end before Learning Disability Week on 13th May 2019.
Colleagues from a number of agencies across the Perth & Kinross Health and Social Partnership have come together to implement the consultation process to inform the ‘Keys to Life’ Local Plan for the area.