Introducing your Third Sector Representatives on the Perth & Kinross Health & Social Care Integration Joint Board
Perth & Kinross has a Third Sector Health & Social Care Strategic Forum, facilitated by PKAVS as the Third Sector Interface (TSI). The Forum works to strengthen and evidence the third sector’s contributions to health and wellbeing outcomes and foster a culture of innovation, collaboration and quality service provision across its members.
With 109 members, the Forum represents the voices of a range of groups and connects this voice to strategic and locality planning.
The Forum was endorsed by the Integration Joint Board as the conduit for its engagement with the local third sector. Helen MacKinnon – Chief Officer TSI represents the Forum on the IJB, bringing third sector feedback on IJB papers to meetings and producing a briefing after each IJB meeting.
The Forum meets monthly and is open to any third sector group or organisation contributing to, or with an interest in, health and wellbeing outcomes, in the area.
If you would like more information on the Forum, contact Hong Zhang

To contact your IJB Representative, contact Helen MacKinnon